How Many Calories Should I Eat?

During my fitness journey, I struggled to determine how much I should be eating daily to maximize results and to provide my body with key nutrients.  This was a huge struggle as it is for all people whether or not they are involved in fitness.  I can tell you that stressing over Caloric Intake can drive you mad, LOL!  The key is to determine your daily calories based on your weight and your goals, whether it be fitness or weight loss (big difference).  Here are some tips to help you find out how much you should be eating to let your body thrive at its best.

First you will need to figure your body's Resting Energy Expenditure which is the amount of energy (calories) expended by  a person at rest.  The formula for this is based off The Mifflin, M.D., St Jeor formula which is the most popular methods to calculate.

For men: BMR = 10 × weight(kg) + 6.25 × height(cm) - 5 × age(y) + 5
For women: BMR = 10 × weight(kg) + 6.25 × height(cm) - 5 × age(y) - 161

After calculating your REE, you will then figure our your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) based on how active or non active you are.

Sedentary - normal activity (walking, eating, take garbage out, etc..) (REE x 1.2)

Light Activity - activity that burns 200 - 400 calories for females or 250- 500 for males 
(REE x 1.375)

Moderate Activity - activity that burns 400-650 calories for females or 500 - 800 calories for males
(REE x 1.55)

Very Active - activity that burns 650 plus for females and 800 plus for males
(REE x 1.725)

The end result will give you the number of calories you should be consuming daily and this will be adjusted according to your weight.  The end number will then determine how you proceed to reach your goals.  Here we go:

TDEE consumed = maintaining weight
Less than TDEE consumed = weight loss
More than TDEE consumed= weight gain

If you are thriving to lose weight, drop your TDEE by 20% in order to do so and if you are looking to gain weight, increase TDEE by 20%.

Remember, fitness goals and weight goals can be achieved with proper knowledge, diet, exercise, commitment, dedication, motivation and most of all PATIENCE.  Without this, it may be hard for you to achieve your goals.  Start slow, create short term goals, monitor progress, make minor changes if needed and stick with it.  Results will happen, but they will not happen when you want them to.  It's a long journey that can be reached if you are ready.


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