
Showing posts from July, 2017

Why am I not losing weight or plateauing?

Why am I not losing weight or plateauing?  The joys of beginning a fitness plan can also bring struggle.  Getting into fitness or back into it can be exciting especially since you know what the benefits are to your body, as time goes on you may get frustrated that you haven't lost weight or have stopped which can be frustrating to many people, not just YOU! I am here to tell you that, IT IS NORMAL and IT WILL GET BETTER, but only if you let it. First and foremost, most people struggle on what to do and how to eat so I am going to provide some feedback I have learned along my fitness journey and what I have studied as a personal trainer and nutrition consultant.  DO NOT UNDER-EAT and OVER-TRAIN!! When you decide to change your body, most people reduce calories which is normal but some take it to the extreme by putting their bodies into a starvation mode.  Although, a calorie deficit can help achieve weight loss goals, larger calorie deficits work against your body over l


Deciding what to eat and how much of most important macro-nutrients (carbohydrates, fats and protein) for your body can be challenging and frustrating, but I have all the tools you need to help establish your body's needs. First off, before you begin determining how much of one macro you need, you will need to view my previous article (How Many Calories Should I eat?) to determine your caloric intake and goal. Macro-nutrients are essential for the body in order to function properly on a day to day basis.  They are our body's energy and without energy, you will not feel like yourself. The main 3 macros are: Protein, Fats and Carbohydrates Protein (1 g = 4 calories) These are the building blocks of muscles. They help with satiety (feeling full), help blood sugar and energy levels. These become essential to ensure our bodies can work at its maximal effort. Protein makes up 15% of your body weight and since our bodies cannot produce it all by itself we need to a

How Many Calories Should I Eat?

During my fitness journey, I struggled to determine how much I should be eating daily to maximize results and to provide my body with key nutrients.  This was a huge struggle as it is for all people whether or not they are involved in fitness.  I can tell you that stressing over Caloric Intake can drive you mad, LOL!  The key is to determine your daily calories based on your weight and your goals, whether it be fitness or weight loss (big difference).  Here are some tips to help you find out how much you should be eating to let your body thrive at its best. First you will need to figure your body's Resting Energy Expenditure which is the amount of energy (calories) expended by  a person at rest.  The formula for this is based off The Mifflin, M.D., St Jeor formula which is the most popular methods to calculate. For men: BMR = 10 × weight(kg) + 6.25 × height(cm) - 5 × age(y) + 5 For women: BMR = 10 × weight(kg) + 6.25 × height(cm) - 5 × age(y) - 161 After calculat


1. Give up soda and fruit juices - high in sugar 2. Eat foods in its most WHOLE form 3. Eat PROTEIN, PROTEIN, PROTEIN 4. Don't strive to be a perfectionist - practice makes perfect 5. Don't Diet - they DO NOT WORK 6. Move everyday - even on rest days do light work (cleaning, walking etc... but not physical exercise) 7. Get an accountable workout buddy 8. Seek a Personal Trainer 9. Schedule your workouts to keep you on track 10. Eat smaller but more meals 11. Portion your food 12. DO NOT try to spot reduce, it doesn't work 13. Meal prep for the week 14. Create a grocery list before going shopping 15. Eat for fuel, not pleasure 16. Consistency is the key to success 17. Follow the 80/20 rule - 80% healthy and active, 20% moderation 18. Stay away from Fat burners - they speed up metabolism and once you stop them, your body will adapt to weight gain again if not used correctly 19.  Use seasoning, not sauces 20. Limit salt intake 21.